"No Justice!" "No peace!" "No justice!" "No peace!"
In the past few years, the rising of this chant from the streets has escalated in answer to seemingly endless incidents of police brutality. If I Die Tonight offers a powerful look at police and community relations. Victims of police violence divulge its deep-seated and far-reaching consequences. Police officers and their loved ones expose their humanity and vulnerabilities. If I Die Tonight is a multi-cultural barometer of race, class and power in today's United States.

"A harrowing, eloquent testimony."

"There is no way you can watch the documentary If I Die Tonight and come away not feeling something. More likely than not, the feelings you'll have will be conflicted, which is a testimony to the complexity of the issues presented in the film, and the lengths filmmaker Seyi works to address the topic of police brutality. In a lesser film, by a lesser director, the already volatile subject of police brutality could easily be presented as a one-sided screed that serves the agenda of the filmmaker. But Seyi's agenda is to get people thinking about the subject matter in ways they may have never considered before."

"A thought-provoking documentary highlighting the human suffering which radiates like ripples on a pond in the wake of criminal behavior not only by racist police with itchy trigger fingers but by cop killers to boot."
Excellent (4 stars)
-Kam Williams - Syndicated Film and Book Critic